
What does it mean to Keep Sequim Purple? Purple means loyalty, love, courage, and beauty. Being purple means being true to the city of Sequim, being a good citizen, supporting local farms and businesses, and thinking ecologically. Purple is a wonderful color to represent a city because it is a color psychologically linked to creativity, to a calming the nerves, and purple gives off a sense of uplifting spirituality. Hello, and welcome to Keep Sequim Purple, if you saw or want a KSP sign, shirt, or sticker, you came to the right place!  When I was 36 years-old, I gradually lost all of my hearing due to sensorineural hearing loss and now live as a deaf person. After what has been an unimaginably difficult transition, I moved to Sequim in 2017 and life got instantly better.  My eyes had never seen such purple beauty.  Living in Sequim is like living in a classic film, the kind you want to watch over and over again. It has a small town charm that never ceases to